
Hidden Divorce Costs

Divorce has become part of life in the 21st century. The stigma of being divorced that once existed no loger exists. This does not mean that divorce is an easy decision to make. There are many reasons why people decide to get divorced. The most common reason that I have seen through talking to hundreds of people is due to infidelity.

I personally would not be able to forgive infidelity. If someone cheated on me I would be deceiving myself if I thought that I would be able to forgive them and stay in the relationship. A lot of the so called "experts" also try to get people to reconcile when there is a cheater in the relationship.

If you want to reconcile with your unfaithful spouse, you should certainly try to do so through counselling. It would save a lot of heartache and make life easier if you both wanted to stay together after the affair. This is a choice only you can make. If you are pressured into this choice without really believing it, you won't be happy for long. If you feel betrayed, don't let anyone tell you that you have to work it out if you don't really want to. Why suffer if you don't have to?

Another reason why divorces happen is that one of the partners fall out of love. This happens for various reasons. Over time people change. It is unfortunate when one spouse decides to end the marriage due to boredom or lack of interest. It is usually painful for the spouse who thought everything was ok.

These reasons for divorce also lead to all out battles for child custody, joint assets, alimony, etc... You really can lose a lot of the life you've built by not having the right method for your divorce.

Legal fees can also be extremely expensive. Your lawyer will charge you for every minute that you consult with them. What often happens is that you tell your lawyer "I can only afford to pay $700." The lawyer will then set his watch and only work on your case until your $700 is spent. There is a lot of information your lawyer could be sharing with you but won't. The lawyer knows that you can not afford more than you have to pay, so the lawyer simply doesn't work as hard as you need them to.

When this happens, you miss out on a lot of knowledge that would help you get more money out of the divorce, get more custody rights, and get more emmotionally out of the divorce. The other alternative is that you tell the lawyer "Do everything you can to get me what I want". The only problem with this is that the lawyer will bill you thousands of dollars for all the work they do for you. The lawyer is a professional and needs to get paid for their work. After all, they could spend their time on another client and get the same rate.

There is a way to get the benefit of thousands of dollars worth of knowledge at bargain basement prices. I think you already have the tools to know where to look. If you can't figure it out, just ask me.

Good Luck,

Kyle Chambers

About The Author

Kyle Chambers is a specialist at getting the most financially and mentally out of your divorce without spending thousands. Hundreds of people have already benefitted by little-known tricks in getting more money, custody rights, and just about everything else you want from your divorce. To get the most out of your divorce go to



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